Thursday, May 27, 2010

New Huggies Ad: Hysterical

I wouldn't buy these (well, because my kids are potty trained), but check out the funniness.

This proves that along with Shrek Twinkies and Snuggies for Dogs, people will buy anything.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Henry McIntosh

Please keep the family of Henry McIntosh in your thoughts and/or prayers.
His daughter is a friend of mine and is devastated by the loss.

I am continually reminded about the capricious nature of our life on Earth. Remember and enjoy every moment.

Henry McIntosh, 86,
was shot and killed in
his Norfolk barbershop
during a robbery April 17, 2010.

Click here to go to LINK to the story of his barbershop.

Click here to go to LINK to the story of the investigation.

Investigators at the scene.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Classic silhouettes by ghd

I made these the other day for the boys.
They look great framed.

I am going to start offering to do them for other people through Ginger Hansen Designs.
I have to work out the details, though.


Friday, April 23, 2010

Golf as a family event

My husband bought the most adorable little golf club sets for the boys a few years ago. Robert has had a few lessons, but Carter just likes to whack at the ball.

All three of them are hackers.

This weekend, we enjoyed the links as a family.

Brian played, Robert and Carter teed off and also practiced several putts on the green. They enjoy that elusive moment of actually putting the ball in the hole. They like to dig their ball out of the hole again and again in order to sink another putt from 10 inches away. Each moment is glorious for them, they raise their hands in the air like Phil Mickelson or Tiger Woods after winning the Masters. I got to snap a few photos.

Robert did have a great moment.

He shot his ball over water to land on the green. It was beautiful. Much fist pumping and little boy and proud daddy bravado ensued.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Who stepped on the duck?

Why are farts so funny?
We all break an occasional wind, just like we all walk, talk, sneeze, or sleep. So why is the fart such a hilarious moment that needs to be celebrated with snickers and high fives.
Belly-busting for busting tail.

I live with three men (two under the age of eight and one who should be old enough to know better), but for some reason if anyone cuts the cheese all decorum is lost. Even the stink-eye from mommy can't bring them back from the brink.

Taco and chili nights are the best gas-producing dinners (unfortunately meals that I don't have to threaten or bribe them to eat.) And now that we've entered into spring, the produce section is teeming with the green leafy veggies, those toot-fueling monsters. I admonish, "eat your greens," but with my trepidation knowing what vapors lurk in their little bowels yearning to break free.

The only thing funnier than a fooster from my boys would be one from me.
High fives all around.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

What's a griffin?

Do you remember Ebirt?

Yes, William and Mary announced that we will be a Tribe of LionBirds. Yes, we, well not me, but they chose the Griffin as the mascot of our school.

This is a griffin.

See our president, W. Taylor Reveley III, explain how he made this important decision,YouTube VIDEO

This does bode well for the William and Mary Quidditch team (as reported in AltDaily) Here is a glimpse of our team. Click this link: William and Mary Quidditch

Tribe pride is overflowing here...

hark upon the gale.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Video about the state of our "lovely" downtown

I am looking forward to the achievement of our local government's vision for our city.