Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving 2007

We all went to visit the family in New Jersey for the holiday. We took the Cape May ferry. You'll see some shots of the boys loving the whole experience.
We had beautiful weather for Thanksgiving day. It was in the 60s. We took Robert to New York City for the day where we saw the Macy's Parade from the top of the Empire State Building. We also went to Rockefeller Center and Times Square. Robert loved it all including the train ride from Jersey and the subway. He brought his MetroCard for show-and-tell today.
We had a great time with the family. It is always good to get together.
Enjoy the photos.
Click to play Lucai Thanksgiving 2007

Monday, November 19, 2007

We're new to this internets thing

We decided to try to keep in touch with people better by creating a blog. I hope that you enjoy the photos on the slideshow below.
The photo on the left is of this book that I found about Ronald Reagan at a discount store. Brian thought it was hysterical.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Lucas slideshow