Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas is coming

Christmas is coming. We're testing out the Wii before Brian and I wrap it up and put it under the tree. We say that this is a gift for the boys, but after tonight's playtime, I'm not so sure.

Elfed Ourselves

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Cool shades

All kids should have some cool shades!

Election Day Bowling

The boys and I celebrated our vote by taking in a little bowling. It was a great time. Robert has gotten better since our last outing this spring. The photos and videos will let you know that we're not that serious about our game. Robert and Carter bowled a 142 combined!

Sunday, October 12, 2008


I haven't had a free moment this summer to dedicate to publishing anything on my blog. I have so many photos to upload. A friend of mine got me hooked on facebook as well. I am weaning myself from the addiction, though.
Anyway, we survived the summer and our few family trips. These photos will show some highlights. More to come.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

sully's playground is open

You may have seen a new playground at Trinity Presbyterian Church. It has miraculously been built and paid for with the generous support of the Norfolk community. I was blown away by the support from those outside of the church- from people that didn't even know Sully or his parents. Read more about the playground at
My boys got to play there on a perfect day last week. Check out the photos.
Come visit the playground with your children when you get the chance.

Here's the construction...

Here are the kids playing...

Monday, April 28, 2008

new golf clubs

We gave Robert his first set of real golf clubs for his birthday. He was ecstatic! He hit whiffle golf balls in the backyard for about an hour. It's nice when they really appreciate something that you get them.

perfect weather makes a party

For our big party this weekend, we had PERFECT WEATHER! That makes all the difference. Nothing else seems to matter when the weather is around 70-75F, it's sunny and we're in my parents' backyard.
We had a lot of family and friends, good food and drinks (including a few adult drinks- which also help a kid's birthday party go more smoothly), and the aforementioned good weather.
I also decorated my first cake with the generous help from my friend, Stephanie. She definitely is more talented than I am in the decorating and arranging category. We crafted a crazy monkey design. I'm pretty happy with the first attempt. I shall be making more in the future, I think.
Enjoy the photos.

Monday, April 21, 2008

mommy's school is boring

I had a day this winter when I took the boys to Williamsburg and Jamestown. Robert learned that it was where I went to school. He exclaimed that he didn't like my school and wanted to go to Daddy's school. This is to be expected; Brian has been brainwashing our two young men since birth. We took a short walk down DOG street. I told Robert that he could get a cookie at the bakery if he was a good boy. He asked if every building was the bakery yet. When I was at William and Mary, the students could always spot the tourists. The tricorn always gave them away. Robert didn't appreciate this photo op. My camera had run out of batteries so we took the rest of the photos on Robert's Fisher Price digital camera.

We took a short drive to Jamestown. Robert snapped a few pix on the way...
The boys liked Jamestown better, I think. Robert said it was better, "because of the boats!" He took all these last photos with his camera (with the obvious exception of the one of him in the canoe.)