Monday, April 21, 2008

mommy's school is boring

I had a day this winter when I took the boys to Williamsburg and Jamestown. Robert learned that it was where I went to school. He exclaimed that he didn't like my school and wanted to go to Daddy's school. This is to be expected; Brian has been brainwashing our two young men since birth. We took a short walk down DOG street. I told Robert that he could get a cookie at the bakery if he was a good boy. He asked if every building was the bakery yet. When I was at William and Mary, the students could always spot the tourists. The tricorn always gave them away. Robert didn't appreciate this photo op. My camera had run out of batteries so we took the rest of the photos on Robert's Fisher Price digital camera.

We took a short drive to Jamestown. Robert snapped a few pix on the way...
The boys liked Jamestown better, I think. Robert said it was better, "because of the boats!" He took all these last photos with his camera (with the obvious exception of the one of him in the canoe.)

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