Monday, March 24, 2008

at Paradise Found

The boys, my mom and I all went to North Carolina today to visit my Uncle Peter and Aunt Beth. It was cold and windy but it was great for kite-flying. The boys loved digging in the sand and hauling it around in their dump trucks.
Robert had a chance to play on their boat while Uncle Peter started the engines for the first time this season. Robert was fascinated with the cabin and full bathroom.
We went to Wings to get cheap t-shirts to commemorate our voyage. I had to convince Robert that he did not want the plastic finger that emitted flatulence noises when pulled. My sons are both impressed by gross bodily functions. Cheap humor is not lost on them.
We came home to hot chocolate with a view of the water and finished the day in true North Carolina tourist fashion with a trip to Southland for BBQ.

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