Tuesday, April 14, 2009

This one is for Scott and LaDonna

Family portrait
Robert and Carter on the porch.

I have a ton of new photos. I have been avoiding my blog to update my facebook page. I am sorry for my delinquency.
I hope this post will temporarily assuage your desire for lucai photos and updates.
As for an update, Brian is muddling through with his job; real estate is a bit hum drum at the moment.
Carter just turned three and has decided that it's time to show us his "darker" and truly terrifying side. He leaps from the couch to the table when we're not looking, he runs through the house naked and screams all the way. The terrible two's are nothing to the three's.
Robert is going to go to Norfolk Academy next year for first grade. He's excited about pirates and learning how to read. He has finished Treasure Island and has started on 20,000 Leagues under the Sea with Brian's help.
I am taking a photography class and I have a photo on exhibit now in the Student Show at the Peninsula Fine Arts Center. It'll be up until May 10.
That's about it for now. I need to set reminders to update this more often. Sorry for the delay.

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