Thursday, April 1, 2010

Easter birthday force

My son, Carter, will turn 4 on Easter Sunday.
He is excited to have a birthday Easter Egg hunt at his friend's school. According to Carter, it was nice of them to do this just for his birthday.
This year is Star Wars themed because Brian and I finally acquiesced and let our kids watch the series. We've now watched the whole series all the way through. They have now also been accoutered with myriad light sabers (to make up for their lack of actual Jedi powers) and Star Wars pajamas, of course.
We're dying Easter Eggs and decorating a Darth Vader birthday cake. (I am making my first attempt at decorating with fondant- homemade marshmallow fondant- because I heard that it actually tastes good.) Pictures will follow, I hope.

May the force be with you...
and also with you!

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